Monthly Archives: January 2012

Glimpse of His Supremacy

Jesus is supreme over all.  Everything that we see or encounter, he reigns over. You name it, he is supreme over it, period.  Taking a step back to let that soak in, makes it all the more overwhelming to grasp.  That we could see and savor the supremacy of Jesus- His knowledge, wisdom, meekness, authority, power, purity, patience, justice, grace, love, providence… it would blow us away.

Oh that we could see more of the great depth and interworking of this King Jesus.  But when we do consciously walk in the spirit and in his strength [not our own], we get glimpses of just how grand he is.

There have been times when my wife or I just have this overriding sense that one of us needs to do something for another person; sometimes a friend, neighbor, or a complete stranger.  It may involve us going the extra mile, getting out of our comfort zone or simply taking time out of our routine.  Whatever that pull is to bless another in some small or large way, it often seems to be at the request of the Holy Spirit who is wanting to move through that deed.  If we will open our mind and heart to listen, receive the instruction and obey with our actions, the Spirit will move and Jesus will be glorified.

Some friends of our supported us on a mission trip this past year and I wanted to honor them with a special gift at Christmas.  I prayed about what to get them and was led to buy a popular daily devotional book for them.  What I intended as a ‘thoughtful’ gift, now has all the makings of Jesus specifically reaching out to them through this gift to rescue their hearts.  The couple has been totally moved by the devotional book, reading it daily and are considering getting back into church and giving this personal walk with Jesus thing another run.  In addition, their adult child was so moved by the parents’ about face in attitude and actions, that they too have been moved to read this devotional and get back into church fellowship with their family. And, our friends have ordered more copies of this devotional book to pass along to long time friends of theirs….

“What was that?”  That simple story is a glimpse of King Jesus and his ultimate supremacy; He is doing things like this all the time.  Unfortunately, we are not always tuned in to see it.  It reminds me of how the Gospel spread in the New Testament through families and friends in houses and villages like wildfire. And, King Jesus has asked us to play a part in doing that same thing in sharing the Gospel and his great love today!  What an honor!  I am humbled.

 So this is my prayer today – King Jesus, use me today as a vessel to reveal your greatness and supremacy [not mine] through the words you place in my mouth, my thoughts and actions.  I want to bear witness to the outside world of your great love and rule in our lives.  You have ultimate authority and are in charge through the big and small things your Spirit leads us to do.  Give us ears to hear the Spirit’s nudge to bless others and the courage and boldness to fearlessly proclaim the mystery of the gospel to which we are in chains to.


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Posted by on January 6, 2012 in Blessing, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Love


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