Category Archives: Faith

The King’s Army

Eye of Aslan

The Kingdom is advancing. The army is rising.  The warriors are connecting with one another, gaining their footing, their training and power from the King. Aslan is on the move.  It is swift, unwavering and an altogether unstoppable move of his might and strength for the ultimate victory that is His and is already secured.  Even in the midst of trials, sorrow and setbacks, the army of the LORD is gaining might and strength.

It is not visible to the outside world; nor is it reported on any media outlets.  All looks dark, declining and doomed to the world’s eyes.  “The demise of our beloved U.S.” is cited daily. Corruption is growing. Relative truth and tolerance reigns. War resounds.  Hope is being lost.  The Church is under siege.

And yet our King is  in control.  He is after all, the ultimate comeback story of all time- Jesus, bloodied, beaten, defeated and dead.  He triumphs over the grave by going to hell to steal the keys of life from satan and sets captives free with him.  He is the King of Comeback.

So I speak of what I have seen; of what I know.  There is an army  rising up by the work of the Holy Spirit.  We truly are in the final hours. The army is needed for the restoration of the saints.  I have seen many couples across the country over the last few weeks who are fiercely committed to yield their life, their worldly desires so that the King may have full authority and guide them in their Kingdom mission.  Believers passionately in love with their Savior, who have said, no matter the cost, I will yield and be apart of something far greater than anything this world could give me!  I will die to myself so that King Jesus may live and breathe in and through me.

For such a time as this were you and I made. There is chronological time [Chronos] and there is the divinely appointed destined time [Kairos].  This is your Kairos. Simply, look deep into HIS piercing eyes, and you will know this to be true.

The King is calling- Aslan is asking you, “Come join me dear son and daughter.  You have a place, a crucial role in this final battle.  What I am asking of you will require more than you have to offer, it is altogether overwhelming; but fear not, for you have my life and power in you.  Come in, feel the breath of the lion’s roar.”

Fellow brothers and sisters this is our charge- Will you? Come out of the shadows of the normal christian life?  Stop worrying about what others are doing and what man will say…. Come, take your rightful place as the courageous, beautiful and beloved sons & daughters that you truly are in King Jesus.

The King awaits; the army is rising, you dear one are needed. You are more than you know.

Aslan Snow

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Posted by on August 12, 2013 in Adventure, Calling, Faith, Grace, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Kingdom


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Longing for a KING

We have each had the feeling at one point or another. This  feeling is one deep down in our heart of obtaining success, joy, fulfillment and pleasure from what we seek, do and believe in. It comes and goes, at times stronger than others.  The things we pursue and place priority on  in life reveal much about us. What we stake our hope for joy to says much of the soul’s longing.

Where do you seek your hope for joy?  I can think of many things I have staked my hope for joy to in the past: athletics, work & business success, relationships, affirmation from others,  the Church I attend, where I live, personal knowledge, acts of service, being a good spouse, father, friend… the list could go on.

When we stake our hope for joy to the temporal things of this world we acquiesce we relinquish control and give these things [many of them good and noble things] power over us. And sadly, these things are by themselves unable to satisfy the longing for fullness, life, restoration, joy and hope.  It appears within grasp and as we strive towards these temporal things, the fulfillment we sought them for vanishes.

Many in the current age and current presidential election season, are placing their hope for joy in who they desire to be their President. Most are either highly optimistic or  pessimistic depending on their political leanings. Some are ecstatic beyond words that their candidate won; others are crestfallen and devastated that their candidate was defeated.

Do you feel that inside of yourself? That ‘feeling’ or longing arising in light of the presidential election for things to be made right, for our country to be led wisely, for responsibility, justice and honor?? We all desire and long for a Good President, a Good King… [This feeling you have is a clue of something much bigger about you, keep reading]

But my friends, I must say we will all be disappointed and let down, regardless of your political affiliation.

Anything of this world that we take our hope for joy and life to will sadly fail us.  Your job, your friends, your President, your clients, your own family, leaders you respect…  What we must see is that this longing was placed in our hearts by our Creator God. He literally place eternity in our hearts [Ecclesiastes 3:11-14]. God placed the desire for wholeness, life, joy and restoration inside us just like He gave you the color of your eyes and hair. What we need to come to realize is that through the things of this world- be it our relationships, the places we travel, our dreams and goals, our vision for our country and it’s leadership, those fun  things we enjoy doing, is what it exposes:

These things expose a holy  longing for the Kingdom of God 

The beautiful restorative truth here  is that we will get what we long for. When God made you he gave you a Kingdom Heart not an Earthly Heart; and this is why the broken world cannot quench your heart’s deep longing. Isn’t that a relief to know?  We will get a faithful and true King to shepherd us and provide all joy, restoration and  life we so desire.  But He is not of this world, nor will He ever be on any man-made ballot. 

His ballot is your heart. 

His name is Jesus of Nazarene, the Christ

KING JESUS                     

He is the one King that deep down all people of all nations, for all time have sought and longed for, many not even knowing His Name.   

If you have never known a specific point in time during you life when you voted for Jesus as your King and asked Him to be Lord over your heart and life, now is that time. The King awaits.

For those of us who have secured our faith in Christ, a question to ponder- What temporal, worldly things am I placing my hope for joy and life in? It’s time to yield those to Jesus.

Set your hope FULLY on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.” 1 Peter 1:13

May the God of HOPE fill you with all Joy and Peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with Hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

A friend recently asked me, “How often do you pray for Jesus to return as King, for His 2nd Coming?”  I must admit not as often as I should. We would be wise to pray & ask Jesus regularly  to come back.  He is after all the one true King we long for deep down; and King Jesus has chosen you and I  to reign with Him upon His return [Romans 5]

Come King Jesus and Restore Your Rule. We delcare your return as you have promised to us in Revelation 19:11-21.  We place ALL of our hope and longing in You.

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Posted by on November 7, 2012 in Faith, Jesus, Kingdom